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JDRI er pr. 1. marts blevet officiel affiliater af CrossFit og fyldbyrdigt non-kommersielt medlem CrossFit Community Forging Elite Community. Non-kommersiel idet JDRI er en del af en militær institution. Et af kravene til at være medlem er blandt andet at man har de rette træningsfaciliteter. CrossFit Dragoons har anskaffet sig tilstrækkeligt materiel til at kunne gennemføre træning inden for CrossFit-principperne. JDRI vil over tid løbende indkøbe materiel og udbygge faciliteter i tråd med Forsvarets overordnede facilitetsplan. En andet krav er at have tilstrækkelige kompetencer til at kunne træne øvrige. CrossFit Dragoons har p.t. 2 medarbejdere som er uddannet CrossFit Level 1 Instruktør. Sommer 2011 uddannes der én mere.

Det er CrossFit Dragoons hensigt i 2011 at markedsføre og implementere konceptet ved JDR ved at udbygge træningsfaciliteter, designe et officielt logo, udvikle t-shirts, tilbyde hold-undervisning (novice - øvede) og efter de officielle CrossFit-principper & kultur.

Nedenstående beskrivelse er hentet fra www.crossfit.com og beskriver hvad CrossFit er og hvilken viden som CrossFit Dragoons kan trække på ved at være affiliater af CrossFit Community:

"CrossFit is the principal strength and conditioning program for many police academies and tactical operations teams, military special operations units, champion martial artists, and hundreds of other elite and professional athletes worldwide.

Our program delivers a fitness that is, by design, broad, general, and inclusive. Our specialty is not specializing. Combat, survival, many sports, and life reward this kind of fitness and, on average, punish the specialist.

The CrossFit program is designed for universal scalability making it the perfect application for any committed individual regardless of experience. We’ve used our same routines for elderly individuals with heart disease and cage fighters one month out from televised bouts. We scale load and intensity; we don’t change programs.

The needs of Olympic athletes and our grandparents differ by degree not kind. Our terrorist hunters, skiers, mountain bike riders and housewives have found their best fitness from the same regimen.

Thousands of athletes worldwide have followed our workouts posted daily on this site and distinguished themselves in combat, the streets, the ring, stadiums, gyms and homes.

We also publish the CrossFit Journal, designed to support the CrossFit community detailing the theory, techniques, and practice d by our coaches in our gym, in essence bringing your garage or gym into ours, making you a part of the CrossFit family.

We offer seminars, trainer certifications, and training and regularly provide consultation services to athletic teams, coaches, and police and military agencies throughout the free world."



Bedste Dragonhilsner

Mikkel Soelberg
Jydske Dragonregiments Idrætsforening

CrossFit Journal: The Performance-Based Lifestyle Resource